We need sharp tools

We need sharp tools

We need sharp tools!   Chefs, gardeners, and beauticians need sharp tools.  Carpenters, upholstery workers, and barbers need them, too.  The list certainly does not end there.  Even the most basic little pocket knife is important.  We definitely need sharp tools.  ...

Knife Rule: No Knives in the Sink

Never Leave Knives in the Sink In this blog post, I’m going to help you be safe with a great knife rule and story to help explain. I was just a few months into my sharpening career.  By that time, I had become very excited about how incredibly sharp I could make a...
Keep The Edge Away

Keep The Edge Away

In this blog post, I’m going to teach you how to keep the edge away from you. Keep The Edge Away! I started to learn about knife safety at a young age.  I might have been 7 or 8 years old at the time.  The first lesson I remember was to keep the edge away from...

How to clean a chef knife

I always prefer being safe.  And when I clean a chef knife, being safe is not negotiable.  Continue reading to learn what I do. If you prepare a meal, you will certainly want to know how to safely clean a chef knife.  You could use several different methods.  I use a...

Safety is a mindset

Welcome to my new blog! I think it is appropriate that my first post be about safety, since I am in the business of making knives, scissors, etc. as sharp as possible. It is my intent to help promote knife (and other cutting tool) safety through this blog. My...